Strikerscored three timesinahistoricrout8-2at OldTrafford
Definitelythere is no roomin theBritishsportsnewspaperson Monday.After theManchester Citysurprisedand run overTottenhamatWhiteHartLane,5-1,it was time tohumiliatehis rivalother majorLondonUnited, Arsenal,playeda classicat OldTraffordon Sundayfor the thirdround ofPremier League2011/2012.Withgreat performancesof strikerWayneRooney, author ofthreegoals,andkeeperDe Gea, who picked upapenalty kickofthe gamewhenVanPersiewas still open,andthe Red Devilswere lefthumbled:8-2.Outsidethe ball.
Brazilianknocks outthe lastthat had never beendefeated bySpiderand knocksthe Japanese inthe secondround in the mainthisSaturday(27th)atRio de Janeiro.
Anderson hitting Okami
TheBrazilian fighterAndersonSilvahasashow andentered the historyof Brazilian sport.Themiddleweightchampionof the Ultimate FightingChampionship (UFC) knocked outJapan's YushinOkamiin the secondround, andwas cheeredby the crowdat HSBCArena onSaturday night(27th)atRio de Janeiro.
The first eventin Brazil since1998had onlybeatena fighterof the house, theSao PauloLuiz"Banha"Cane,knocked outby the BulgarianStanislavNedkov.
In the main eventfightersare notgreetedin the octagon.At the beginningof the fight,AndersonSilvabeganstudyingthe opponent andshowedquietthroughout thefirstrounduntilthefinal secondshitagood kick in theJapanese.In the second round, Andersonwas up.Hedodgestheshowand appliedaknockdownwitharightjab.Even withOkamion the ground,the Brazilian was notup andwaited for therivalriseto continuethe show.Afterthe newknock-down,up andwasonly stoppedhittingpuncheswhenreferee HerbDean stoppedthe fight.Anderson andthe crowdwent delirious.
In celebration,the Brazilianledto paraphrasethe characterCaptainNascimento,the filmTropa deElite."Neverwill,"Andersonshouted.
Theexaltedspiritof Braziliansis justifiedbecause hedid not hidein preparation for thebattle thatwaschokedwith the Japanese.When facedfor the firsttime inJanuary2006, Andersonwonthe fightwhen he appliedanillegalkickand wasdisqualified.With that, Okamiwas the last toface theBrazilian whodid not finishthe fightbeing defeated.Nevertheless, the Brazilianguarantee that,despite thedisqualificationhad not beendefeatedby the Japanese.
Who would not feelafraid togoalonebyApaLittle CastleStreet,in downtown SãoPaulo The walls arecrumbling, there isapile of rubbleon the floor anddoes littleto remember thatitisasmall castle, exceptthe tower.Thesame groundis home tothe NGOMothers Clubof Brazil, which hasvocationalworkshopfor sewing andhandlingwithrecyclables,as well as workingas child care.
MariaReisEulinaHilsenbeckis whomanages thesite.She does not likewhen itinvolvesthe scare storiesabout the castle,she did notreformdue to lack ofmoney.But relentsand admitsthat there isan"energy"different in the air."It'sanenergy exchange.It isaroundus andshould not be afraid, "saysEulina.
She said shehad a briefcontact withthis "energy"one night."It(would beaboy)was in thelittle castledoorwith his arms crossedlooking at me.I askedwhat he was doingthere andhe left, "saysscared, that say she isspiritualist.
The suspensethat surrounds theLittle CastleStreetApaisvery tragic.OnMay 12, 1937, the brothersAlvaroand ArmandoReisand his mother, MariaCandida,were founddead at the scene."According to thepolice version, there wasadispute overafamily business.In the heatof the moment,Alvarokilledher brother and motherand thencommitted suicide, "explainsAngela.After the crime, the placewas abandonedsome years laterand occupiedbyhomeless people"who claimthey have seen andheardmany strange things" there.Today, theLittle Castleis home to theMothers Clubof Brazil.
On 2009, the SyFy serie Ghost Hunters Internacional came to São Paulo to investigate the case.
The resumptionof thePlanet of the Apesfranchisewasawaited withanxiety andfear.Ifon one hand thenumberneededto reinvent itselfafter thedisastrousattemptof a remakeof TimBurton, on the other,the oldfanswere shakingat the thought thatthis could be themovie thatdefinitelysinkastory sodear.Behold,the productionreaches thecinema andeveryone canbreathe easy.
Planet of the Apes: The Riserecreatedwith originalityanda whole mythologystorylinemanages to surprisewithasober andeffective.
Afterafailed experimentled byscientist WilliamRodman(JamesFranco), onlyoneof themicesurvivedthe study.Fearing for the futureof the newbornmonkey,Willdecides totake himhome andend up withthe animalwhogivesthe name of Caesar(AndySerkis).Thanks toapowerfuldrug thatisinstalledin the DNAof theprimate-ALZ112,apossible curefor Alzheimer's- Caesarends up developingahigher intelligence andcognitive abilitiesshowingimpressive.Everything changeswhen the animalis involvedin an accidentand is takenaway from itscreator.
Manymovies thatwereflung opento the publicthe furyof nature thatcanbe awakenedbefore theshacklesthat the human beingrequiresit.Almost alwaysin these cases, the manturns out to bethe mainharmed bytheir own actions- and it isnot surprisingthat humanity asawhole stillhas not learnedthe lesson.IfPlanet of the Apes: The Riseor notis farfrom a possiblehistorical reality,is not something wewant todeepenthe script.Whatthe duoRickJaffaand AmandaSilverwant tomake clearis that, sooner or later, naturefinds a way,it always has.
Being awareof these aspects, the writersputrightlyCaesar asthe main protagonistof the storyleavingJamesFrancoand the other actorssupportingaposition.Despite therisky decision,the scenes hewitnessedonlyCaesar andhis fellowapesare the bestfilm.The powerof the details thatemergein moments likethe one in whichCaesar isthe firstcontact with the environmentplasticanimal controlcenteris efficientby comparingthe wild andartificial.The same canbe said fordaysthat passin the prisonled byDodgeLandon, played byTomFelton, whofledherefrom cowardiceto DracoMalfoyto composeacharacter withoutany qualms.We sufferalong withCaesar andhis associates, anda balconybrilliantscript, we witnessedascene where theapediscovers thatothers alsohaveknowledge ofsign language.Enter themindof the two andsee howthey are able tounderstand your situation, equatingthe feelings ofanimalsto humans- a factoftenforgottenby society-is touching.
With Oscar's good exhibition, the author ofthreegoals,Brazil won3-2byPortugalin the early hoursof Sundayat the EstadioElCampinin Bogota(Colombia),and wonfor the fifthtime in historythe title of theFIFA U-20.The midfielderscored twicein normal timeand thedecisivetryin overtime. There was no shortageofreasons for achievingselectionto be evenmore special.Served as a"revenge" against the Portuguese, whoconqueredthe countryina penalty shootout inthe1991 edition ofthe tournamentand gowith justtwovictories,and alsoerased thefrustrationvicein the last edition-final defeatagainst Ghana, Egyptin 2009. In addition, the teamcoached byNeyFrancoclosedthe competitionwith the best attackand as theonly one to haveleakedPortugal.ThestrikerHenry, who waserasedin the final,finished astop scorer withfivegoals,alongside SpanishAlvaroVazquez,and wontheFIFAaward for bestplayer of the tournament. Innormal times,Oscaropened the scoringfor Brazilafter only4 minutesof play,but Alexmade all equalin the sequence.13minPortugalturnedtothe second halfbyNelsonOliveira,Oscarbutagain at32min, tiedthe game.Oscar,at 5minfrom thesecondhalf of extra time, defined thepenta(1983,1985,1993,2003and 2011). Argentinacontinues asthe biggest winnerin history withsixvictories.In 2013,the FIFA U-20will be heldin Turkey.
Kakawants to hireArsenalon loanandinterest of themagazine speculatesCorinthians
After losingFabregasto Barcelona, the coach ofArsenal,ArseneWenger, plans tohireaweightto rebuildthe midfieldof the teamin London.People linkedto the coachsay thatWenger hasabold planto hireon loanmidfielderKaka,Real Madrid, reported theBritishPeoplemagazine's Web site.The publicationalso puts theplayerin the fight forCorinthians. Kakawould have beenarequest ofthe president's alliesWenger'sArsenalin a meeting heldlast week.Withoutprestige withJoseMourinhoat RealMadrid,the biggest problem forthe departure ofthe Spanish clubKakawould be the interestof theircurrent teamonly in sellingthe player. TheEnglish clubhas competitionfrom AC MilanandBrazilian clubinadispute over thehiring of thehalf.TheEnglish publicationspeculatesthat the Corinthianswould beinterested inKakain Brazil. Arsenalis also seekingother reinforcementsand can makeoffers forplayers likeEden Hazard,Lille,and thetrioformedOlympique deMarseilleby AndreAyew, MathieuValbuenaand LuchoGonzalez, butKakawould liketo hiremorefansof theBritish club. In recent weeks, Kakahas beenappointedas a reinforcementof severalteams, includingChelsea, AC Milan andPSGup.However, the annual salaryof almost9millioneuros ($20.9 million)would be the mainobstacletoapossible negotiation.
This was thesecondvictory of theCityin the Premier League
Playing on theopponent'shome, Manchester Citywent throughdifficulties, butovercameBoltonby 3 to 2.The game, which is validfor the secondroundof the Premier League,marked the returnof TeveztoManchester team.With the victory, theCityisolates himselfin the lead,with 100%utilization,while Boltoncontinues withthreepoints,in seventh place The gamegotplayed, but whowasleftin front ofManchester City.The SpaniardDavid Silvariskeda shotfromoutside the areaand included thefailure of thegoalkeeperto openthe scoring.Inagreat goalfrom outside the area, Barryrose tothe visitors, butdeclined toKlasnicBoltonbefore the end ofthe firsttime. Inthe secondstep,the teamexpanded toDzekoManchesteron the firstpitch.Davieshasputthe home teamback in the gameto17min,but Citykept sendingin the game anddid not givethe tie. There was still timefor CarlosTeveztake the fieldin place ofAgüero.However, ex-Corinthians, who saidon several occasionsthe desire toleave England,he playedbriefly as theconfrontationconductedon Sunday. In the next round, Manchester CityfaceTottenhamaway from home,on Sunday at09h30 (GMT).AlreadyBoltonvisitLiverpoolat 13.30
The filmAlways atYour Side,released in December2009, isa dramafeaturingactorsRichardGere,JoanAllen andSarahRoemer. The university professorWinsonParker(RichardGere)findsapuppyAkitaInuabandonedat the stationwhere he tookthe train to goto work.When taking himto his house, his wife, Cate (JoanAllen), does not accept thedog, becausedogsdo not want tohave moreafter the death ofhis dogLuke.Finally, Cate agreesto seeher husbandplaying with the dog. They formavery strong friendshipand alldayHachikothe dogaccompanieshis ownerto thetrain station,and after a fewhours, waitingforhis ownerreturnsfrom workand accompany himback home. One daythe teacherdies inhis job, butHachiko,without knowledgeof the incident,continues towait for theowner whonever come back.Afternine years, the dog, quite oldand broken, diesin the placewhere he used tostay at the station. Basedon real events.
Thefilmis very exciting,evencried a lotat the end.It also hasanincrediblesoundtrackthatyoucan downloadthrough thislink:
Ifnot seen, watchas it isavery good movie. Withanamazingstory of loyalty.
Linkin Park, the bandthat a few yearstouringwithLimp BizkitandMetallica"before it enterson a Tuscanwhich isa lot of metalandyou needsomething liketouring withthe BIG4'abused hercreativity in theiTunesFestivalin London,and played themega-hitpopsingerADELE'Rollingin TheDeep'.Nosurprisethat theLinkin Parkdoingacover -remember'SweetChild O' Mine'and' HomeSweetHome ', andthe mashupwith Jay-Z? Truthbe told,ChesterBenningtondidnotugly, especiallywhen you considerthat Adelehas a remarkablevocal power,rangeand arangeof notes thatit is difficult foracroonerlikeit hits.